Sunday, September 26, 2010


Nearly all the central characters in The Great Gatsby are wealthy, living in nice areas, in nice houses. There is some contrast of this, with the Ashy area, and the less rich people living around there, but in general everyone in the book is well off. Does anyone think there might be some event in the book that might change this? Perhaps one formerly wealthy character will lose some of their money, maybe a house will burn down or some other event. Or will everything remain the same wealth wise throughout the book.
Also, it's possible that more contrasts could be made between the rich and the poor.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your right that some event is coming up that will affect the wealthy characters. Also Gatsby wasn't originally born into wealth like some of the other richer folks in Fitzgerald novel, "It took me just three years to earn the money that bought it."(pg 90) I think that the way Gatsby was able to gather money so fast, will come back and bite him in the butt somehow. Maybe from the Drug dealing business, or oil business.
