Monday, September 27, 2010

Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs...

The two islands of fictional New York, the east and west eggs, are polarized in cultures.
East egg, where Tom originates, is full of stuffed-shirts who simply inherit the money of their ancestors over several generations. This money as somewhat of a code of honor, and many people from east egg keep themselves in good posture, don't act out, and do their very best to avoid situations that would stir gossipers. However, this also makes them really snooty, and very bland.
However, the people of west egg are all about the life of glamor and having fun. The money they have is recently obtained, and as the old saying goes, "Easy come, easy go." People like Gatsby and Jordan throw away their money willy-nilly without a second thought to have people run amok and make utter fools of themselves.


  1. I'm going to play devils advocate here.

    Their cultures are different for sure, but to say they're complete opposites I believe would be incorrect. Sure, there are differences, but both Eggs have a common interest in money.

    In East Egg, money has been inherited as you said, and due to having old money, they live in old ways. Even so, it's undeniable that some have changed their mindsets. Tom and Daisy are not the only East Egg residents at Gatsby's parties, in the past Nick has said that other East Eggers have attended.

    In West Egg, their money is new money. Made from big business and their own good fortune, these are stereotypical people who all around love having a good time. Despite this, Gatsby, the most prominent resident of the egg, does not truly seem to embody this. Sure he throws wild parties, but he rarely partakes and is awkward in many social situations.

    So perhaps the difference between these eggs are not so different after all? Perhaps these people will come together between their similarity, or perhaps they will spread further apart because of them. Only time will tell. /Cliché.

  2. I'm with Jaffe. They're not opposites. In fact, I would say they're incredibly similar. Though their lifestyles are totally different, there are multiple facets to everything. Both have lots of money and spend it when they want on the things that make them happy. As opposed to being conservative with their money and ensuring they financial safety, both parties live fairly extravagant. The only difference are the objects they spend it on. Where the West Eggers spend it on fashion and just having a general good time while the East Eggers buy polo ponies and memberships at country clubs. At the base of it, however, they are essentially the same people.
