Monday, September 27, 2010

East Vs West Egg

In chapter six Nick isn't the main character, but he remains the narrator. The chapter is more a story of Daisy dealing with Tom and Gatsby. In choosing one man over the other she is having to weigh not only the individuals, but also the life style they lead. Her life at home with Tom is boring and depressing. Anything it seems would be better than this boredom and oppression by her husband but when she is at Gatsby's party she is bored and insulted by drunk people. That said, however, when she leaves she felt a strong urge to go back inside, because once she's gone she'll have no idea if something monumental will occur. One of the first things that crosses Nick's mind is that she could be worried about some other woman changing or taking Gatsby's affections. In the end, her choice between Gatsby and Tom is like choosing how to invest one's money. By investing in Tom, she is essentially putting her money in the bank where it will grow at a small amount forever, with little to no risk. Investing in Gatsby is much more risky, as he lives an extravagant carefree life where she is in danger of being forgotten at any time.

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