Thursday, November 11, 2010

Feminist Fitzgerald (Leslie)

In reading "Next They'll Throw Everything Overboard", I couldn't help but feel bored. Maybe it's just me, but I already viewed the women in "The Great Gatsby" the way they were portrayed through a patriarchal societal lens. But I don't think that makes me sexist; I don't think these women are unlikeable because they don't fit feminine "standards", I think these women are unlikeable because they don't have good personalities. For example, one might argue that the lens through which these women are viewed is sexist because the women aren't likeable because they aren't in touch with social standards: "Only two are married, and they don't keep their marital unhappiness a secret," (P.124), and "Daisy's life does not revolved exclusively around her maternal role. Finally, all three women violate patriarchal sexual taboos..." (P. 124). For me, the reason these women are unlikeable is because of their actions. "Daisy Buchanan is characterized as a spoiled brat and a remorseless killer." (P. 125). This isn't a sexist statement: she is spoiled because she doesn't think people beneath her are worthy, for example, she didn't want to marry Gatsby, whom she loved, because he wasn't wealthy enough. And Daisy did in fact kill Myrtle; therefore, that statement is just, and fact rather than a skewed, sexist statement. "Jordan is characterized as a liar and a cheat." (P. 125). Again, this statement isn't a skewed sexist statement; Jordan is a liar and a cheat. She cheated in a golf tournament, which led to the 'scandal', which eventually died down because of her "bribery or coercion". (P.125). And lastly is the characterization of Myrtle. "She's loud, obnoxious, and phony," (P.126). Despite her tragic death, Myrtle isn't one to be sympathized with; she takes advantage of her innocent, unassuming husband and cheats on him with a man that she uses for money and status. Thus, I believe that the female characters of "The Great Gatsby" are unlikeable not because they don't fit 'feminine standards', but because they are ruthless and conniving women. So if I don't think that this is a feminist reading, what would be a feminist view of "The Great Gatsby"? What do other people think that makes the female characters unlikeable?

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